Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Are Emiratis Ethnocentric?

1.     Indians are maids and workers in UAE.

2.     Europeans bring their products from their countries to sell it UAE.

3.     Philippians work in UAE as waiters.

4.     China sells their hand maids and fake electronics in UAE.

5.     France sells their brands and perfumes in UAE.

A Class Divided

The class divided movie shows that we should not discriminate between people because of their skin color, eyes color or because they are rich or poor. The movie firstly showed how the kids they look at the black people as a dirty thing and do not respect them but after the teacher made an experiment on them and let them experienced the thing by telling them at first that the blue eyed colors are smarter and they should not play with brown eyed colors and the next day she told them that no the brown eyed colors are the smarter and they should not play with the brown eyed color which effected both groups when they experienced it by letting them depressed and not happy and let them down. The kids had a lesson and knew that they should not make any difference between them and the black people instead they have to be their friends and to respect them to let them happy because they are humans.

Drawing of ethnocentric situation

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ethnocentric Cartoon Task


1. On the lines below, write a definition of Ethnocentrism. Find one on the web.

Individual believe that they are better than other individual for reason based solely on heritage.


2. Read the cartoon. How is Ethnocentrism reflected in the conversation below?

He thinks that his culture is the best and other cultures are just losers and no need to watch them and know about other cultures.

3. Imagine them in social situations. What kind of people would (would n’t) they associate with? What kind of events (movies, shows) would (would n’t) they prefer to go? Think of other situations.

Describe Bucky


Bucky will only associate with people from his culture and he will go to events that only related to his culture.

Describe the man talking with Bucky. Let’s call him Tom
Tom likes to know about other cultures and willing to associate with other different cultures and goes to all kinds of events and co-operate with them.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Quiz 2

Quiz – What are Multiculturalism, Assimilation and Acculturation?


Quiz – What are Multiculturalism, Assimilation and Acculturation?


True or False? If FALSE, write the TRUE answer.



1. A Multicultural society can be described as a society with a single set of values.
False, A multicultural society can be described as a society with a multiple set of value
2. A “salad bowl” represents varied and separate cultures.
3. One aspect of Multiculturalism is respecting different cultures.
4. Cultural Diversity can be represented by a “melting pot”
false Salad bowl

5. Acculturation means learning the culture of your birth country.
False. Enculturation



Define in your own words:


1. “Melting Pot” mixing many cultures

2. “Salad Bowl” different culture mixed together

3. “Assimilation” learning a new culture and forget the old one

4. “Acculturation” learning the culture of the new country

5. “Enculturation” learning the first culture


Complete the sentence with words from the text:


Acculturation often results in changes to Culture, Customs and social institution, as well as changes in food, Clothing and language .

Give a synonym:




Give the opposite:


dominant group
Weak group
contrasted with
Compare to







Culture and Personality in Anthropology


Read the section about Culture and Personality in Anthropology. Answer these questions about that section:-


1. Define “Anthropology” in your own words

A Scientific studies of different cultures

2. Define “movement” in this context

The change of personality

3. What do you understand by “socialization of children” Give an Example?

Teaching a child the value and norms of the culture. Raising the children in different way will give them different personality ex: at school and teaching the children to respect others

4. Read this sentence again and give examples of childrearing in different societies and cultures: “socialization creates personality patterns. It helps shape people’s emotions, thoughts, behaviors, cultural values and norms to fit into and function as productive members in the surrounding human society. The study of culture and personality demonstrates that different socialization practices such as childrearing in different societies (cultures) result in different personality types.”

         The ability to provide shelter.
        The skills and behaviors that the child gains from parents.
        Different culture effect the child

5. Read this sentence again and say to what extent you agree: “all humans are the same when born, but childrearing in different society’s cause’s deviations in behavior and personalities from each other.”

I agree, the family is taking a full responsible of their children. It depends on the behavior and responsibility of the parents toward their children

6. Reflect on the reading above. Can you see a link between your culture and your personality? Think about that in relation to your own culture first, and then think about personality and culture in a different society. Reflect. Give examples.

Yes, as being a Muslim it's from our culture and I was affected by my parents to become a Muslim

Quiz 1

UAE Culture